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A Look into Arianna Tamburini's Colorful Animal Kingdom

"Dans la Jungle, Terrible Jungle" (we're not talking about Solomon Linda's "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" here) but of Arianna Tamburini's colorful and artistic French children's book that takes us straight to the depths of the jungle.
Tamburini offers us a delightful take on the importance of finding your place within society while embracing diversity and unity.
After a devastating and heavy rainfall washed away the features and colors from all the animals, they experience fear and are disoriented after losing all their bearings. But they will realize they have to build the courage to step out of their comfort zone and learn to appreciate their similarities and enjoy each other's company despite their differences. This ultimately leads to joy and happiness, a beautiful lesson for kids and adults alike.
Vocabulary words: 
- Le singe “luh san-j”: the monkey
- Le zèbre “luh zeb-r”: the zebra
- L’animal / les animaux “lan-ee-mal” / “lez-ani-moh” The animal(s)
- La pluie “la ploo-wee”: the rain
- Décolorer “deh-color-eh”: Discolor
- La tâche “la ta-sh”: The spot (animals) but also “the stain”
in a different context
- La plume “ploom” : the feather
- Le déluge “le deh-loozh”: Heavy rainfall (pouring rain)
- Elever la voix “el-ev-ay la vwah": To raise one’s voice
- Bariolé(e) “bar-yoh-lay”: Multicolored
- S’en donner à coeur joie “ "san don-ay ah ker zhwa :
To enjoy something with great pleasure
Listen to the pronunciation and to engaging questions about the book in the video below: 


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